Thursday, April 03, 2008

How Should Christians Respond to a Pregnant 'Man'?

News is sweeping the nation that a man is now pregnant. The photo is disturbing, to say the least.

The headlines are NOT accurate. A woman who has had her breasts removed and taken male hormones has now become pregnant. Both the fact that she is pregnant and the DNA in every cell of her body testifies to the fact that she IS a woman.

Transgenderism is becoming increasingly common. Many of us will be very personally confronted by transgender individuals in our neighborhoods, our workplaces, and our schools if we have not yet already.

How can we respond with both truth and compassion to individuals deceived by this lie?

Albert Mohler has shared some helpful insight for us in a recent broadcast.
A hint:
Christians, among all people, must testify to the truth with both their words and their actions. That act of compassion will undoubtedly be regarded as hateful by the society at large.

The transgender movement also has tremendous ramifications at a societal level. Transgender is the 'T' in LGBT. If transgendered people are included in anti-discrimination and hate crimes legislation the practical effect will be to force everyone to participate in these people's tragic delusion. We will confess that the 'emperor is actually wearing clothes' or we will be punished...

It is interesting to note that this is happening in spite of the fact that the American Psychiatric Association still classifies transgenderism as a mental disorder.